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What's another year?

Updated: Jun 22, 2022

Heart of the Community is officially 1!

Happy Birthday To Us

As Heart of the Community, celebrates its first birthday as both a registered charity and its move to Colemans Farm, it seems an appropriate time to acknowledge and thank all our team who work so tirelessly week in, week out with their amazing can-do approach.

We know that the year that has just passed has been an interesting one, where Heart of the Community has grown and developed, but looking ahead we ask what's another year?


Learning Curve and Growth

For us, our first year has been a steep learning curve as we:

  1. Recognised that although alleviating the symptoms of poverty is important, there is a greater need to provide companionship. Our daily guests enjoy the warm friendly atmosphere that accompanies our meals.

  2. Realised that activities help bring people together. This past year we have actively listened to and watched what our community wants or needs to ensure that our events and programme result not only in community engagement for all ages, and all backgrounds (including nationality), but seeks to address some of its needs.

  3. Have expanded in terms of Trustees and volunteers, enabling us now to operate 6 days a week, with one late-night opening (Friday).

The charity continues to evolve as those involved with it learn from past mistakes or difficulties and always strive to improve.



In the last year, our activities have included:

~ An August Fayre

~ A Taste of Greece

~ Spooky Party

~ Christmas Lunch

~ Week-Long Easter Activities

~ Ukrainian Evenings

~ Platinum Jubilee Lunch


It is estimated that the footfall in our first year of Community Engagement for the events listed above exceeded 350. In addition to our everyday guests estimated at around 2,500 visitors a year, giving Heart of the Community a staggering overall footfall of around 3,000 in our first year.



So, what's another year, what plans do we have for Heart of the Community?

As we look to to the future, as a team we would like the resources to hold a special family event monthly while continuing to support our Ukrainian Community by creating an unregistered, constituted charity for SN11 Calne Welcomes Ukrainians.

❤ Happy Birthday,

Heart of the Community ❤

If you want to join our amazing team or find out more about us, why not pop in for a chat?

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Julie Godwin
Julie Godwin
Jun 22, 2022

Very good

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